Now available

This Book is:

  • a compass for those seeking contentment, success, and freedom within their law practice

  • written by a legal sage with over four decades of experience

  • a guide to liberation, offering 12 keys to unlock our mental prisons

  • a message of hope for those who want to rediscover their passion for law and reignite the joy in their practice

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Gary Miles is not just a lawyer with over 40+ years of experience; he is, more importantly, a dear friend of mine. His knowledge and expertise of the law profession and all it encompasses makes him an expert in his space. When I first heard his incredible podcast, “The Free Lawyer” on iTunes, I said, “This guy needs to write a book!”. And guess what? He did!
In his first book, “ Breaking Free - A Guide To Achieve Personal and Professional Freedom As A Lawyer,” you will learn exactly what Gary has done to create a harmonious balance of work, family, and life. If you are a law professional who is struggling to find that balance, then look no further. This book is for you, and I couldn’t recommend it enough.
— Scott Aaron, Co-Founder of The Time To Grow and Expert Authority Mastermind
Gary is an amazing expert in his field, with over 40+ years as an attorney. His passion for helping lawyers to live their best lives shines through in this book. This is the ultimate guide for lawyers who want to improve their lives, both professionally and personally. Gary shares amazing insights, and reading it feels like having a heart-to-heart with a mentor who understands the struggles lawyers go through. If you’re in the legal field, grabbing a copy is a no-brainer. It’s packed with advice that can totally change the game for you! It is a must-read!
— Nancy Evans, CEO of BYOB Agency
Gary provides an essential voice of progress in the legal space. Gary’s willingness to selflessly provide sage guidance and pragmatic wisdom on how lawyers can thrive, instead of merely survive, in their careers makes him invaluable to the profession.
— Wendy Merrill, law firm consultant and CEO of StrategyHorse
Gary has the gift of being able to bring out the best in you as an attorney, but he also gets you to identify and harness your own strengths. Not only does he offer his business expertise, but he is also in touch with what makes human beings as productive and successful as possible. If you get the chance to learn from him, consider yourself extremely fortunate. I certainly do.
— Sara Kaplan-Khodorovsky, Esq